After scrolling through multiple blogs, I found one that especially caught my eye and that was Marijuana, don't mess with Texas? by Arnelious Dominich. I have always been interested in hearing various viewpoints on the legalization of marijuana and I found a lot in this post that I can relate to and even agree with.
Arnelious begins this post by writing, "Was I the only one or how many people were told/taught things like "don't do drugs" "stay drug-free" or "marijuana is bad?"" I instantly responded to this, No. As I grew up it almost seemed natural to look down on those who used drugs because that's what my teachers and parents wanted me to think. I think it is only natural for someone to teach their kids the dangers of using drugs and how they can be harmful to not only us, but others around us. Thinking back on it now, I put myself in their shoes and i probably would've done the same thing. I believe that most people at some point or another, end up experimenting with marijuana, whether it is in high school, college, or adulthood.
I was especially interested when Arnelious compared marijuana to other drugs like tobacco, heroin and cocaine. I agreed with the statement on why tobacco is legalized but marijuana is not, I actually wrote a paper on this in high school questioning the thought process around legalizing something that is proven to harm people yet keeping something with virtually no side effects illegal.
I think this is a growing topic especially with various states legalizing marijuana not only for medical use but recreational use as well. If I had to pick a side of the argument, I would argue for legalization across the United States. It seems like the research on the drug is there and I don't see any harm in legalization it especially if there is an age restriction on it like alcohol. I am interested to see where this topic leads to and I thank Arnelious for writing their opinions on this controversial topic.
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