Thursday, April 25, 2019

Blog Critique

I decided to read a blog post from about words said by Joe Biden on how President Trump is the worst thing in his lifetime. I found this post very interesting because the author was aiming to show worse things that have happened during Joe Biden's lifetime and they proceed to list all the awful events that have taken place from the early 1940s to our current day and age.

New York Times Best Selling Author, Katie Pavlich, argued against what former Vice President Joe Biden had to say in his recent video announcing his candidacy for president in 2020, and quoted key parts of the video that she felt were false and needed further clarification. She begins her post with quotes from Joe Biden's video and how he felt that Trump was the biggest threat America has ever seen.

After having watched the video and read the full post, I found it amusing that Joe Biden would even think of saying that Trump is the biggest threat America has seen. Joe Biden is 76 years old and even without the list in the article of awful events, I could think of a handful off of the top of my head. Biden has seen it all and for him to say Trump has been the worst is flat out ridiculous. America has seen the ever-growing threat of terrorism for the past 20 years in every form possible. It is insane to think that our own president is worse than those who terrorize our country and murder our people for no reason at all.

I am interested to see where Biden takes this next and whether or not he will revise his statement in the video. Obviously there will be people who agree with Biden, but I hope they will be wise enough to really think about how bad Trump is compared to everything that has happened to America and places all around the world in the last 100 years.

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