Friday, February 15, 2019

Article Introduction

The article that I decided to read was a New York Times article, written on February 15, 2019, about how President Trump is declaring the border a national emergency in order to push funds towards building the wall. Trump is doing everything in his power to speed up the process of building the wall between Mexico and the United States. President Trump is declaring it a national emergency and stating that there is "an invasion of drugs and criminals coming into our country." This article states what action Mr. Trump will be taking forward. With this being declared a national emergency, it allows Mr. Trump to divert funds from other projects towards his main goal of building the wall. Many democrats in Congress are not in support of what President Trump is trying to accomplish and this is part of the reason why the government had been shutdown for so long prior to this. Trump needs to win over both the Democrats and Republicans in order to have this declaration passed and further his efforts for building the wall.

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