Friday, March 1, 2019

Editorial Critique

I decided to read an editorial about gun control titled Will America Choose Its Children Over Guns. This article is a year old, but it involves an issue that we hear about very often today. This article was written by The Editorial Board at the New York Times, and is mainly arguing for more gun control and using events like school shootings to support it. In the beginning of this article, the author writes about how children growing up today, are surrounded by these mass shootings and in schools specifically. They argue that we should provide a safer environment for our children and that these kids have had enough exposure to these terrible events. Throughout the article, the author isn't specifically arguing that guns need to be completely removed, they are simply stating that instead of taking no action and just mourning for these events, we need to move in a more progressive direction towards gun control. Personally I think it would be ridiculous to ban guns entirely from people. It is a right that we have in America to own guns, and to remove that right would be unconstitutional. However, I do think there needs to be a better system in place with regards to obtaining a firearm or license to carry one. Just from the mass shootings that have happened it is apparent that there needs to be some sort of change, but not such a drastic one like completely banning them. After reading this article, it helps put things in more perspective with what needs to be done about this everlasting issue in America.